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Time Difference

“If we suddenly lost track of time, how would we know what time is now?”

People basically repeating similar behaviours such as brush teeth, eat, commute, sleep etc everyday.

But based on time zone, different things happen at different place at the same time.

produced by: Yu Hsuan Liao


Time difference has always been a weird thing to me. People basically repeating similar behaviours such as brush teeth, eat, commute, sleep etc everyday. But based on time zone, different things happen at different place at the same time. As an international student in London, my hometown Taiwan situates in North-East Asia which is 8 hours ahead of London. When I woke up in the morning, my mom has already go through almost half of the day. I feel like I am living in the past and she’s living in the future. Yet, we are all in the same space.


This piece was designed to present my odd feeling to time difference since the feeling of losing the track of time appears at times. By using simple shapes ,noise and setting up the time in the code to illustrate different daily routines happening in different countries. An important element that appear in the work is clock which is also the reason why I’m using lots of circle shapes in it. 24/7 is a service that available any time and, usually, every day. The round-the-clock service is a nonstop service working twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week; constantly. The system is a pattern, set-up and a rule.


With time difference, people ask “What are you doing now?” oftenly. Different flow of time made people start to think what is other people experiencing in the world though we are all following a pattern and living under a certain structure. In my work, I set up different speed of particles with typography to present the idea. I chose to project my project my work on random size and randomly placed boxes because it sort of symbolise different countries with diverse sizes and locations. Starting at different points, moving at different speed on the boxes are creating different pattern of flow no matter how simple the shape and movement is.

Further Development

This work can be improved by adding in more visuals that looks like 3D objects yet was actually 2D. The space that the boxes generated can confuse people to doubt whether it’s 3D or not. The scale of the project can also be expand and thus create something like universe or solar system. The idea of time will be raised to another level. Interaction will also be an interesting possibility to experiment.

The difficulties of the project are to imagine how visuals interact with boxes and how to set up the boxes to create the space that show the idea of time zone. Through setting up different combination of time division, I’ve learned how simply changing the time can influence same visual and shapes. The final project is like launching different spaceships to experience time travel. Based on this projection mapping project, I would love to expand the topic to a broader perspective by including elements like sound and combining different medias in my work.

Source code: 


Floating Points - Argenté