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The Sound controller

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produced by: Yeoul Son


It was not uncommon for the public to see the heartbeat of someone except for doctors and scientists, until the new media was developed, such as video, camcorders, and digital cameras. But through digital media, especially the Internet, we can now see the heartbeat of people and animals in videos. It will not be limited to seeing the heart beating. Also, considering the meaning of the heart, the heart symbolizes the human's core organ, and therefore life and dignity. It also meant sensibility, not reason. Through my work,  I want to think about things like what the heart symbolizes in the digital medium and the culture created by digital high tech, for example, human dignity, DNA combination. Looking at chips, circuits, and biotechs that can be implanted in the skin, brain-wave sensors, heartbeat sensors and so on, The reasons why we use them are quite different, but from the time of day to day to the organ of the personal body can be interfaced, instrumented and designed. It is both an excitement and a fear for the new. By capitalism, it seems to create new things even though, those are we do not need, and it is not likely to have a good effect to us. Like him, Is this fear a lot of concern that comes from not thinking beyond that now? Or do we have to think about the current technological development?


 Example code about OSCmessaging in the week 16 and Computer Vision in the week 14,

Open Frameworks example codes (3DPrimitivesExample, pointPickerExample,soundPlayerExample)

Future Possibilities

I tried to synthesize real space and 3D objects. (Due to computer circumstances, I could not attach the related video, please refer to the attached code)


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