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Rumination is about reflecting on a moving geometrical shape that changes every minute to another geometrical form. The three different shapes are combined with a colour harmony that traverses across the three transformations. 

produced by: Daniah Alsaleh


I am intrigued by sacred geometrical shapes and wanted to use the simple  humble square to replicate something similar in a  contemporary minimalistic rendition.  With open Frameworks, the shapes in each scene move and intersect in a way that result in other interesting formations. Although the structure is very simple, yet it engrosses the viewer to continuelly observe the movements as though one is in a mindfulness state shutting the mind off  and focusing on the present. 


Concept and background research

The project consists of three scenes, each scene has a duration of one minute.

Starting with drawing a rectangle, I wanted to check what I could do with that shape by movement, rotation and scaling.  Going back to all the exercises and assignments we had, I applied some of the sketches on my shape to get a sense of the direction I wanted to take. A lot of interesting results came out of the application which I had to sift through to find something that reflected what I set out to do. Looking for more inspirations online and focusing only on simple transformations I set to find solutions by trial and error until I was happy with the outcome. Although my aim was aesthetically pleasing shapes, I wanted to add depth by having the scene linked together in a harmonious way that felt just right, baring in mind the mapped shapes are large cubic constructs.



It was frustrating to transfer thoughts of my project to code, so I began my idea by breaking it into small parts starting with  how to move one square, and then adding more complex movements on top of that. Adding one code at a time and trying it out and checking what possibilities I can do with the outcome. After every section of code that I thought was successful, I moved it into an independent modular function making sure it worked smoothly. I repeated this process with the three scenes, starting out with simple code and building on top of that, then modulating them into clean sections. 

Tweaking with numbers and a bit of maths, I was inundated with lots of technical problems until I managed to find the right balance. It was an intense but learning experience and discovery. 

After double checking that my code worked, I moved all my sketches to the ofxPiMapper one at a time and tested that everything worked. It was not a straight forward plan as there were a few issues, but applying the one line at a time debugging method, I finally managed to work the code together. 


Future development and Self evaluation

I would like to investigate further  form and structure and more complex shapes, and test what possibilities that could arris from that. When choosing the colour theme for the scenes, I deliberately used multi coloured fills as I knew our cubes would have a background of cardboard brown, so I would like to test other colour themes like monochrome or greys and projected on different backgrounds of black, white and greys. I would like to  try to project on different surfaces, like smoke, fabric or rubber and see what outcomes that will show. 

Overall, I was pleasantly surprised with the final projection project and how my scenes displayed on our shape. I would have liked to had time and do more scenes, or more changes within one scene. I would like to learn more on how to produce more intricate geometrical shapes and play around with their intersections and movements. 



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