More selected projects

Project Title (20px font)

(14px font) Write here a short description of your project. This should be a paragraph getting the reader excited about what you did. Make it exciting. This could be similar to the short description you gave for the exhibition - but keep it to one paragraph!

produced by: Theo Papatheodorou

Project report (20px font)

In this section you will write the details behind this project. Please see this link about what to include in the report. Remember the MA vs. MFA students have slightly different requirements as to the number of words required. Please stick to these (don't go lower or higher). The external examiner needs to read a lot of these in a short period of time before your exhibition.

While this is submitted to satisfy the requirements for the MA, make sure to keep it interestesting and engaging. Don't paste code, don't focus on details which are unimportant. We are building the MA's page/blog and we want to keep all of your projects in a gallery for next generations of students to see.

When you switch topics from technical to background research to conceptual explanation please name each section (and give it a font 20px). Don't just write the text in one section.

Source code:

Please put here a link to a gitlab or github project NOT a wetransfer link. Make sure the link points to a directory on one of the above services NOT to a zip file. Make sure the link works! Check it when you are done!


This is the place where you put links to papers and other works and you make sure you credit code that you used from other people here (as well as in your code).