X5 Scales
X5 Astronomical / Anti-G
Working in space station and travelling in outer space, sexual behavior and stimulation of hormones are realistic question which cannot be avoid, in 2000, there is an experiment in Russia, 7 male astronauts and one female astronaut living in a replicas of space station for 7 months, as might be expected astronauts had a mild form of disorder such as depression, anxiety, dysphoria hypochondriasis etc.
produced by: Friendred
Reproductive is a serious question in science research realm, in here, I want to hold a key word for this massive topic. Hence, the gravity is one of the whole big issue for astronauts no matter work or life. Thus, the physical model and virtual program are surround by gravity and dizziness.While this is submitted to satisfy the requirements for the module, make sure to keep it interestesting and engaging. Don't paste code, don't focus on details which are unimportant.
Physical Artifact
Visual representation
The purpose of making the curve based on circle and spinning is I want to exert an actual dizzy feeling when people saw this program. Expressing the core word through extending sense of feeling.
X4 Planetary / Embroidery
All the creatures are the unit of planet. The whole planetary system run according to cosmic rules. On the other hand, there are tons of constancy of laws of physics. They all exist in this universe in commensurate with their ways to keep the equilibrium of the universe. In this project, I want to dig more on the special shape or natural pattern in this world.
Physical artifacts:
The curve of this contour achieved the goal which I intended to. Surface looks like wave of liquid. Every sides are connected together smoothly.
Virtual Representation
I did the same thing in victual representation compare with physical artifact, I created bunch of circle consist of points or curve, making them move towards face position, each layer iterated by itself through life span. For debugging, “a” = draw rectangle where is same as the face position. “m” = change another mode to draw the pattern. “v” = show your camera
“even when you go off the grid, you might still be on it”- The Jefferson Grid, environmental scale is a relevant conception, if I change a different proportion of landscape or distance which to the local geography, I can get an another complete different result of landscape. In this scale I abstract the landscape into an iridescent fluidic surface, which can interact with time and depth separately in physical object and virtual representation.
Physical artifacts:
The second part, I want to create an immersive environment for audience to experience. When spectator get into the space, they can fell all the reflections created by the special “landscape materials” including mirror acrylic, iridescent acrylic, metal grid and aurora paper, etc. And what I am intend to do is make audience become part of the art work.
Visual representation
As for visual representation, I want to create an iridescent landscape, I get some inspirations from Shader sandbox, and I create a fluidic landscape Shader program which can run in http://editor.thebookofshaders.com/
Human scale is compatible, human being as the highest level in biologic chain keeping evolving along with age, but it doesn't mean it's the strongest hierarchy, which decides new generation always progress in compare with the former generations. Desire as essentially important member of conscious mind of humanity, which can be used to demonstrate a lot of human expressions. Also it is powerful manifestation in human scale. Penis is the symbolization of human desire, generalization of the gender genital. Thus I created multiple layer of penis can be changed the angle, rotation and position at the same time according to audience head position, and my physical model is meant to be mapped of different layer of sexual characteristics.
Physical artifacts:
Visual representation
microscopic is extremely tiny terminology, which actual human eyes cannot visualize. In this physical artifacts, I want to extend infinitesimal to infinite, create an unbalance in this structure. Visualize microscopic, which is omnipresence and ubiquitous.
Exhibition video
X1 Microscopic scale video
The light inside the paper indicate the dialogue between time and interspace. Though the depth breaking, there is no any restriction of micro substance and macroscopic medium. I take this “ubiquitous” as the basis for exploring ideas about experience, mediation and representation.
Physical artifacts:
Virtual representation
the core word of this virtual representation and physical artifacts is break and equilibrium. And I closed one way to express both of them is duplication. No matter how I duplicate the line in the figure below, it can break the original balance of the spatiotemporal substance. Besides, I created another GUI for people to generate the shape.