Space Odyssey (heading #4)
A projection mapping project using a mixture of animation and creative coding to build a fantasy universe on the table. At the beginning it just a table with 4 plates and one cube, then change to the coding universe.
produced by: Ziwei Wu
A projection mapping project using a mixture of animation and creative coding to build a fantasy universe on the table. At the beginning it just a table with 4 plates and one cube, then change to the coding universe.
Concept and background research:
The initial inspiration comes from news about aliens.Chris French said it was natural for humans to see aliens behind every cosmic mystery. “We have what is called an intentionality bias,” he said. “It’s the assumption that whenever something happens, something or someone made it happen for a reason. In the context of space, that someone is always going to be aliens.”
Thus, I want to experiment a new way of finding aliens in different dimensions. Normally, we always find aliens in the sky in movie, so why not create a new place around our live to generate some aliens.
Besides, I also see a restaurant advertisement which is using mapping to create the world smallest chef. The chef can help people catch fish, cook steak and bring some drinks. All the things just magically happen on the table using mapping.
After all, I want to use a table with four plates and one cube to make an environment which can combine dishes and aliens.
All the initial code is from Theo’s class. I add some pictures and videos which draw by myself and using Xcode mixing them together. Coding on openframework by using ofxpimapper addon, the transfer of the scene is created by the scene manager. Using for loop, ofNoise, if-statements, sin, vectors ofTranslate and so on .
For example, I use noise sun and one PNG face, multiply 4 times then mapping on the plates. Using PS and AE create a little loop animation about thermometer and mapping on cube.
Future development:
For the future development, I want to print this pattern on real plates. Besides, people can generate their own pattern by changing some parameter so that everyone can have their own plates.
See the product cosmic diner of SELETTI:
Also see the image below.
Visual part: www.
The world’s smallest chef: